QUEEN T'S THOUGHTS: Queen Harriet Tubman forced weak men to get on the right path to their freedom. According to her photos and description, she was a petite woman. That just goes to show us that being stronger than the man physically (which most of us aren't) is not the key. Tricking the man or even manipulating him will not cause him to get on the right path. Queen Harriet provided a solution to their problems. First she reminded them of the bondage that they were in. Second she offer them a way of escape. Thirdly she gave them an after plan once they obtained their freedom. Queens, It's bad enough our men have to deal with ignorant people on their job; on the train; on the express way; in the church; in white corporate america. He shouldn't have to get the same behavior from the Queen in his life. In conclusion: draw his attention to the problem, offer him a solution, and then give him an after care plan. I'm just sayin" One Luv! ~Queen T~
QUEEN T'S THOUGHTS FOR TODAY!: "FEAR" is a useless emotion that is more common in the children of the Most High than any other living organism. Why? Because as soon as YAH (God) activates an idea or invention in your spirit, the adversary (your ego) immediately ministers to your inner man warning you of the many obstacles and challenges you will have to face in the process; therefore causing fear to arise within you. A real good sign that the Father has activated something in you: When others around you say things like "You are crazy", or "Are you sure that was God telling you to do that?" Another way to know that it is the Father is when you can't afford what He is telling you to do. If you could afford it then you wouldn't need Him to bring it to pass. This is the time where He stretches you so that you won't fit back into the mindset or company that you once had. Higher Heights and Deeper Depths thus saith the Spirit of YAH! One Luv! Queen T~
QUEEN T'S THOUGHTS FOR TODAY! You are what you eat; you are the company you keep! Stop running your children and loved ones to these fast food places every chance you get. The chemicals in the food do things to our bodies that is disgraceful to our Creator. One word: MODERATION. 2. Watch the company you keep; even on FB. The people that are surrounding you says a lot about your mindset and agenda. I surround myself with educated, conscious people, because I desire to be and stay educated and conscious. How can a person help wake up others if he/she is sleeping too? Add one more position to your resume: RESEARCHER. Read, Study, Pray! One Luv! ~Queen T~
October 5th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
November  5th, 2011
QUEEN T'S THOUGHTS FOR TODAY: Black people are a trip....the government claims that we are free by removing the chains, yet many walk around with chains on their mind....no true identity (and "black" is a color, not an identity)...no native tongue.....The bible states that we were/are free, yet so many walk around in bondage...poor in the spirit...no power...can't lay hands on the sick so that they can recover....can't call those things that be not as though they were.....can't even produce wealth (and a paycheck is NOT producing wealth).....can't unify with each other.....can't have each other's back.....Let's wake up...no more sleeping in bed...no more backwards thinking time for thinking ahead....I'm just sayin'! One Luv~Queen T~
QUEEN T'S THOUGHTS FOR TODAY: I was just sitting here meditating on a quote that I learned when I was a Correctional Officer in the Male's Prison Facility. "Approach Determines Response!" Not only in how you approach people, but also in the way you approach a situation and/or circumstances can determine the outcome of the results. I'm just sayin" One Luv! ~Queen T~
November  11th, 2011
November  13th, 2011